A Breath of Fierce Air
Nature Connected Coaching
Fiercely Compassionate. Compassionately Fierce.
"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."
-Ramana Maharshi
What the bleep is Nature Connected Coaching?
Coaching uncovers what gets in your way
I ask the questions that make you catch your breath, pause, and tell yourself the Truth
Client-driven means YOU are in the driver's seat
I guide you to stay on track
Together we untangle the OLD story and then rewrite your NEW story
I hold you accountable for what you promise yourself
What does being FIERCE look like?
Being FIERCE means:
Speaking your TRUTH
Knowing that vulnerability takes COURAGE
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway
Loving & accepting ALL of you (not just the shiny, easy-to-like bits)
Saying NO to things that don't light you up
Saying YES to things that do
Doing whatever it takes to stop playing small & safe
Your Soul is Calling
Can you hear it?
It's hard to hear the Soul's whisperings,
but if you learn how to listen,
it will reveal the answers
that you've been seeking.
It's time to get Fierce with your transformation.
Cultivate a relationship with your WHOLE Self,
and learn to love all of you.
To love all Parts of yourself,
we must bring them out of the shadows of the subconscious.
Let me guide you.
I know the way.